CV Jouve Emeline

Publié le 5 février 2017 Mis à jour le 5 février 2017


Susan Glaspell’s Poetics and Politics of Rebellion
, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, forthcoming.

Directions d’ouvrages collectifs et de numéros de revues

Chronique judiciaire et fictionnalisation du procès
, co-edited with Lionel Miniato, Paris : Marre et Martin, forthcoming.

“Staging American Memories”, ejournal Cahiers de FRAMESPA, forthcoming.

 L’Acte inqualifiable, ou le meurtre au féminin/Unspeakable Acts: Murder by Women
, co-edited with Aurélie Guillain and Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, Berne: Peter Lang, 2016.

 Susan Glaspell’s
Trifles and “A Jury of Her Peers”: Centennial Essays, Interviews, and Adaptations, co-edited with Martha C. Carpentier, Jefferson: McFarland, 2015.

“Staging American Mobility”, ejournal Miranda 5 (2011), 


« Du presque-rien au presque-tout : le dévoilement de l’invisible dans Trifles (1916) de Susan Glaspell », E-rea , 12.2 (2015)

“Gender and Race Trouble: The Emperor Jones by The Wooster Group”
, Revue ANGLES (SAES) 2015

“The Big Art Group’s Flicker (2002): Stiching the Eye/I.”
Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies Vol. 11, No. 2 (June 2015)

“Through the Looking Glass. The Wooster Group’s The Emperor Jones (1993, 2006, 2009): Representation and Transgression.”
Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 17 (2014): 55-74.

Geography and Plays: Spaces in Gertrude Stein’s Early Plays (1913-1919)”. South Atlantic Review 76.4 (2014): 101-116.

“Chains of Dew”
. The Literary Encyclopedia. 11 October 2011.

“Springs Eternal”
. The Literary Encyclopedia. 17 October 2011.

« On the Verge : Dramatisation de la violence symbolique dans The Verge (1921) de Susan Glaspell ». Anglophonia 27 (Déc. 2010). Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail : 251-262.

“Nation and National Identity in Susan Glaspell’s Inheritors (1921)”
, Miranda 2 (2010). Juillet 2010.

Chapitres d’ouvrages

“Dismembering/Remembering: Dramatizing the Family in The American Dream” in Gender and Sexuality in Edward Albee’s Works. eds, John Clum and Cormac O’Brian, New York: Brill, forthcoming.

“Big Art Group: The Creation And Promotion Of A Contemporary Language For The Stage” in Perform: Succeeding as a Creative Professional, ed. Anna Weinstein, New York : Focal Press, forthcoming.

“Intertextual Insanities in Susan Glaspell’s The Verge (1921)” in Intertextuality in American Drama, eds. Brenda Murphy and Drew Eisenhauer. McFarland, 2013 : 154-168.

Introduction à la partie thématique “Staging American Mobility”. Miranda 5 (2011). Déc. 2011.

Introduction à l’édition bilingue How I Learned to Drive. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2010: 9-20.

Comptes rendus

Rev. of Looking at Medea: Essays and a Translation of Euripides' Tragedy, ed. David Stuttard. Caliban n° 53, 2015.

Rev. of Self and Space in the Theatre of Susan Glaspell, Noelia Hernando-Real. Theatre History Studies 33 (2016).

Rev. of Performing Gender Violence, eds. Barbara Ozieblo, Noelia Hernando-Real. The Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 2, Issue 1. Mai 2014.

Rev. of The Cambridge Companion to African American Theatre, ed. Harvey Young. Cercles Mai 2013.

Rev. of Second Language Learning Through Drama. Practical Techniques and Applications, ed. Joe Winston. Etudes en Didactiques des Langues 19, 2012.


“Interview with Andrew Schneider: New York Express (1)”, Miranda 13 (2016)

“Interview with Annie Dorsen New York Express (2)”, Miranda 13 (2016)

“Entretien avec Lise Avignon et Emma Morin, Gertrude Stein au théâtre : Le monde est rond (G. Stein, L. Avignon) ; Listen to Me (G. Stein, E. Morin) ”, Miranda 13 (2016)

“Rencontre autour de Robert Wilson: Bob meets Sam”, Miranda 12 (2016)

"Promoting Gender Equity on the American Stage (1): League of Professional Theatre Women", Miranda 11 (2015)

"Promoting Gender Equity on the American Stage (2): 50/50 in 2020"
, Miranda 11 (2015)