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CV Bigot Corinne
Principales publications
Alice Munro, les silences de la nouvelle, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Ouvrage co-écrit
Sunlight and Shadows, Past and Present: Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades, Paris: CNED-PUF, 2014. Co-écrit avec Catherine Lanone.
Direction et co-direction d’ouvrages
‘With a roar from underground’: Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades. Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest 2015.
Commonwealth Essays and Studies 37.2 (2015) Special issue Alice Munro: Writing for Dear Life.
1) « Saynètes en provenance du Nouveau Monde: Catherine Parr Traill et Susanna Moodie au pays des Indiens Chippewas ». Représentations, revue en ligne, Université Stendhal, Grenoble (juin 2015) : 14-27.
2) ‘‘Forsaken Objects, Haunted Houses, Female Bodies, and ‘the squalor of tragedy in ordinary life’” Commonwealth Essays and Studies 37.2, special issue Alice Munro: Writing for Dear Life (Spring 2015): 15-25.*
3) “ ‘With Robert, Xavier and Elijah in Flanders’ : Re-Examining Timothy Findley’s The Wars and Its Literary Legacy,” Caliban 53 Representing World War One (June 2015): 53-64.
4) “ Disjointedness: Parenthetical Structures and Dashes in Alice Munro’s Stories from Dance of the Happy Shades,” Etudes de Stylistique Anglaise. N° 8. Special issue: Stylistic Perspectives on Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades. M. Jobert & Michael Toolan, Eds. (March 2015): 15-35.
5) “The Wonders of the Transatlantic Journey in Alice Munro’s ‘The View from Castle Rock’,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol. 37, N.1 (Autumn 2014): 25-34.
6) “Did they go Native? Representations of First encounters with First Nations Canadians in Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Vol. 49-1 (March 2014) : 99-111.
7) “‘None of us escaped the naming’: Reclaiming Identities and Reclaiming Space in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan ,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies 36.1 (Autumn 2013): 81-91.
8) “ ‘Silence’: from the Politics of Silence to a Rhetoric of Silence,” The Journal of the Short Story in English, Special Issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro. Vol. 55 (Aut. 2010): 123-138.
9) “‘And Another Story Surfaced’: Re-emerging Voices, Stories and Secrets in Alice Munro’s ‘Family Furnishings’,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol 31-1 (Aut 2008): 28-35.
10) « L’italique et l’inscription de la résurgence dans les nouvelles d’Alice Munro ». Bulletin de la Société de stylistique anglaise, numéro 31 (2008) : 63-76.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
(1) «Jeux et enjeux de la confession d’une meurtrière: “Child’s Play” d’Alice Munro » in L’acte inqualifiable ou le meurtre au féminin/ Unspeakable Acts : Murder by Women, ouvrage dirigé par Emeline Jouve, Aurélie Guillain et Laurence Tallerach. Peter Lang, 2016, p.181-197.
(2) “Ghost Texts, Patterns of Entrapment, and Lines of Flight: Reading stories from Too Much Happiness and Dear Life in Connection with Earlier Stories,” in Alice Munro: Reminiscence, Interpretation, Adaptation and Comparison, dirigé par Mira Buchholtz & Eugenia Sojka. Peter Lang, 2015, p. 59-74.
(3) “Patterns of Entrapment and Lines of Flight: Reading ‘Thanks for the Ride’ with ‘The Shining Houses’,” in The Inside of a Shell. Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades», dirigé par Vanessa Guignery. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, p. 130-143.
(4) “Interracial Relations: (Re)writing the Stereotype in Native and Non-Native Literatures: Pauline Johnson, Catharine Parr Traill and Susanna Moodie,” in The Memory of Nature in Aboriginal, Canadian and American Contexts, dirigé par Françoise Besson, Claire Omhovère & Héliane Ventura. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, p. 176-191.
(5) « ‘These French clichés are symptomatic’ : la mise en évidence des mots français dans Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov » in L’Etranger dans la langue, dirigé par Emily Eells, Ch. Berthin, et J.-M. Desprats. Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2014, p. 269-284.
(6) “Locking the Door’: Self-deception, Silence and Survival in Alice Munro’s ‘Vandals’,” in Trauma Narratives and Her Story, dirigé par Sonya Andermar & Silvia Pellicer. Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, p. 113-126.