Maître de Conférences

Corinne Bigot


LA 263

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Littérature canadienne (L3), civilisation canadienne (L3), littérature du Nigéria (L3)

Thèmes de recherche

Littérature du Commonwealth (Canada), littérature de la diaspora

Activités / CV

Responsabilité scientifique

  • Co-responsable du séminaire Jeudis du Genre, Laboratoire CAS, Toulouse Jean Jaurès

Formation et carrière
  • Concours : agrégation d'anglais, 1990
  • Doctorat (2007) :  «  L’espace du silence dans l’oeuvre d’Alice Munro ».  Sous la direction de Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Université Paris X Nanterre. Jury : Jean-Jacques Lecercle (Nanterre, directeur), Héliane Ventura (Orléans, rapporteur) Hubert Teyssandier (Emérite Paris III, rapporteur et président du jury), Chantal Delourme (Nanterre). Mention très honorable. Félicitations du jury.
  • Maître de Conférences : 2009-2016, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre. 
  • Depuis 2016 maîtresse de conférences Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, DEMA.

Principales publications 


Ouvrages co-écrits

  •  Reading Alice Munro’s Breakthrough Books. A Suite in Four Voices. Edinburgh University Press, 2024. Co-écrit avec J.R. (Tim) Struthers, Ailsa Cox, et Catherine Sheldrick Ross.
  • Sunlight and Shadows, Past and Present: Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades, Paris: CNED-PUF, 2014. Co-écrit  avec Catherine Lanone.

Direction et co-direction d’ouvrages


  • « Irrévérence ou résurgence ? Au Canada Kent Monkman, artiste cri, revisite la tradition du ‘portrait d’Indiens’ » Miranda (Portraits croisés d’Afro-Américains et de populations autochtones en Amérique du nord ) Volume 30, 2024.
  • « Quand le mémoire culinaire donne des leçons d’histoire : Pig Tails ‘n’ Breadfruit d’Austin Clarke. » Leaves (revue de l’université de Bordeaux) Numéro 15 ( janvier 2023) p. 62-74.
  • Marooning on Islands of Her Own Choosing: Inscribing Place and Instability in Alice Munro’s “‘Deep-Holes’Commonwealth Essays and Studies ‘’42-2 Spring 2020. DOI: 10.4000/ces.1882
  • "Diasporic culinary trajectories: Mapping food zones and food routes in first generation South Asian and Caribbean culinary memoirs" in Journal of Postcolonial Writing, special issue: Diasporic Trajectories, 55-6, 2019, 795–807.
  • “Ghost Texts in Alice Munro’s Stories, in Short Fiction in Theory and Practice,  7-2, special issue Haunting and the short story (2017): 141-152. 
  • “Fur and Slime: Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Child in ''Face'' and ''Child’s Play'' by Alice Munro,” in Caliban, 57, La question animale dans les nouvelles d’Alice Munro/The Animal Question (2017): 21-35. 
  • ‘‘Forsaken Objects, Haunted Houses, Female Bodies, and ‘the squalor of tragedy in ordinary life’” Commonwealth Essays and Studies 37.2, special issue Alice Munro: Writing for Dear Life (Spring 2015): 15-25.*
  • “ ‘With Robert, Xavier and Elijah in Flanders’ : Re-Examining Timothy Findley’s The Wars and Its Literary Legacy,” Caliban  53 Representing World War One (June 2015): 53-64.
  • “Disjointedness: Parenthetical Structures and Dashes in Alice Munro’s Stories from Dance of the Happy Shades,” Etudes de Stylistique Anglaise. N° 8. Special issue: Stylistic Perspectives on Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades. M. Jobert & Michael Toolan, Eds. (March 2015): 15-35.
  • “The Wonders of the Transatlantic Journey in Alice Munro’s ‘The View from Castle Rock’,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol. 37, N.1 (Autumn 2014): 25-34.
  • “Did they go Native? Representations of First encounters with First Nations Canadians in Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Vol. 49-1 (March 2014) : 99-111.
  • “ ‘Silence’: from the Politics of Silence to a Rhetoric of Silence,” The Journal of the Short Story in English, Special Issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro. Vol. 55  (Aut. 2010): 123-138.
  • “‘And Another Story Surfaced’: Re-emerging Voices, Stories and Secrets in Alice Munro’s ‘Family Furnishings’,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol 31-1 (Aut 2008): 28-35.

Publications extraites de HAL affiliées à Centre for Anglophone Studies (CAS)

Informations complémentaires

Chapitres d’ouvrages

  • “Nostalgic Albums or Alternative Lieux de mémoire? The interplay between stories, photographs, and recipes in ethnic culinary memoirs.” Text and Image in Women’s Life Writing: Picturing the Female Self. In Baisnée-Keay, Valérie, Corinne Bigot, Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni, Stephanie Genty et Claire Bazin (dir), Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp. 137-154.
  • “Alice Munro’s “A Wilderness Station” and Ann Wheeler’s Edge of Madness: Filling in the Blanks” in Adaptation of Stories and Stories of Adaptation, dir. Sabrina Francesconi and Gerardo Acerenza, Universià degli Studi di Trento, 2020, pp. 37-55.
  • “In Praise of the Kitchen Poet: Cooking as Kinship in Ethnic Culinary Memoirs” (chapter 3) in Ethnicity and Kinship, edited by Klaus Rieser and Silvia Schultermandl, Routledge, 2021.
  • “Embodied Memories and Memory Dishes: the Diasporic Culinary Memoir as an alternative Locus of Memory.” In Mémoires, traces, empreintes. Floriane Reviron Piegay, Elisabeth Bouzonviller, Emmanuelle Souvignet (dir.) Éditions Orbis Tertius, 2020, pp. 241-264.
  • « Les long short stories, l’art de la nouvelle selon Alice Munro (I). Une littérature de l’inconfort » In Court: récits d'aujourd'hui. Dir Sabrinelle Bedrane, Claire Colin et Christine Lorre Jonhston. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019, pp.191-206.
  • “‘By Way of Their Fingers’: Making Sense of Self and Home in Selected Short Stories by Edwidge Danticat, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie” in Women on the Move: Body, Memory and Femininity in Present-day Transnational Diasporic Writing, edited by Silvia Pellicer-Ortin and Julia Tofantšuk. London, New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 97-115.
  • "Haunting Books and Stories in Janice Kulyk Keefer’s Honey and Ashes, Story of Family," in Women’s Life Writing and the Practice of Reading, edited by Valérie Baisnée & all. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 237-253. 
  • “Mapping the Vernacular Landscape in  Alice Munro's ‘What Do You Want to Know For ?’  and Other Stories.”  in  Space and Place in Alice Munro’s Fiction, A Book with Maps,  Christine Lorre and Eleanora Rao (eds),  Camden House, 2018, pp. 65-83.
  • “Life and Death, Lines of Flight, Patterns of Entrapment and Survival in Alice Munro’s “Dimensions” and “Runaway”,” chapter 7 in Alice Munro, The Anatomy of the Short StoryOriana Palusci (ed.), Newcastle upon Tyme, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2017; pp. 97-111.
  • « Jeux et enjeux de la confession d’une meurtrière: “Child’s Play” d’Alice Munro » in L’acte inqualifiable ou le meurtre au féminin/Unspeakable Acts: Murder by Women, ouvrage dirigé par Emeline Jouve, Aurélie Guillain et Laurence Talairach. Peter Lang, 2016, p.181-197.
  • “Patterns of Entrapment and Lines of Flight: Reading ‘Thanks for the Ride’ with ‘The Shining Houses’,” in The Inside of a Shell. Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades», dirigé par Vanessa Guignery. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, p. 130-143.
  • “Interracial Relations: (Re)writing the Stereotype in Native and Non-Native Literatures: Pauline Johnson, Catharine Parr Traill and Susanna Moodie,” in The Memory of Nature in Aboriginal, Canadian and American Contextsdirigé par Françoise Besson, Claire Omhovère & Héliane Ventura. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, p. 176-191.
  • “Locking the Door’: Self-deception, Silence and Survival in Alice Munro’s ‘Vandals’,” in Trauma Narratives and Her Story, dirigé par Sonya Andermar & Silvia Pellicer. Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, p. 113-126.

  • Struthers, J.R. (Tim), ed. Alice Munro. Country Essays on her Works I (Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2020) 410p. & Alice Munro. Everlasting Essays on her Works II (Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2020), 459p., in Short Fiction Theory and Practice, vol. 10-2, 2021, pp.229-233.
  • Benjamin Authers, Maïté Snauwaert and Daniel Laforest (eds). Inhabiting Memory in Canadian Literature / Habiter la mémoire dans la littérature canadienne. (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2017) 264 p. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 41-1, 2018, pp. 151-152.
  • Janice Fiamengo and Gerald Lynch, eds. Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art. Critical Essays. (University of Ottawa Press, 2017) 309 pp. in English Studies in Canada, vol 44-3, 2018, p.113-117.
  • Staines, David, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Alice Munro. (Cambridge: CUP, 2016), 210 p. in Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 39-1, 2016, pp127-128.