Séminaire "Empire and After" - "Colonial Identities, Ireland and Britishness, late 19th century-early 20th century", Géraldine Vaughan

Publié le 22 février 2023 Mis à jour le 22 février 2023
le 9 mars 2023
UT2J, Maison de la Recherche, salle E412 / en ligne sur Zoom

Recent debates about the definition of national identities in the UK, along with discussions on the so-called secularisation of Western societies have brought to light the importance of a historical approach to the notions of Britishness and religion. This talk will explore how anti-Catholic networks developed and operated throughout Britain and its Dominions (Canada, Australia) to propagate a specific definition of Britishness. The purpose here is to highlight the importance of adopting a socio-religious perspective when discussing the development of nationalism and imperialism in late nineteenth-early twentieth century across ‘Greater Britain’.

Séminaire "Empire and after"

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